How to solve database update issues with Kaspersky antivirus??


Installing a security solution is very important, however one cannot assume that if you have done that then its okkk. Keeping your antivirus databases up to date is just as important as during initial install. Also, Kaspersky Lab products update automatically, but sometimes some issues can happen.

Now, If security solution window turns to red and and start showing Database extremely out of date warning, or you have a license issue, then try updating your software manually. in order to do that, click on the program icon in the lower right corner of display and choose ‘Update’.

If that too does not work and the program window does not change its color to secure green,one should do the following:

1. Check the system date: it can happen that your PC might be living in the future. This can confuse your security solution, which in turn downloads new databases.

2. Then, Set up proper proxy server settings. in order To do that, open the product settings window and click on Additional->Network Settings->Proxy Server Settings.

3. Then Set your browser proxy settings to default values.

4. Also, check if there are any Kaspersky Lab update servers available. It may happen that your PC may be infected with a virus.

5. Lastly, Open the Updated Settings and check, which of the access rights are used to run the program. to do that open Settings->Additional->Update setting->User account Settings. While one is here, they should choose the administrator account.

For more detailed solution, one should consult the Kaspersky Support Number.