Having Problem with the function keys in Lenovo Laptop..?? Here’s a Solution!!

LenovoLenovo is a brand name which speaks for itself. Lenovo laptops are known as the best one all over the world. But the best also have issues sometime. Jut like a colleagu of mine have a problem with his Lenovo laptop with its function keys. I wont eloborate on the problem but let you know what he has to say of this problem in his own words.

Hello everyone, this is Richard. I have a lenovo laptop and it was working good until last week. But From the last week it started to have some function key problem with it. I thought of contacting Lenovo Customer Service UK but decided against it because i am not sure what to say to them. As functions keys on my laptop are not working and also the status of function keys are not showing anywhere on the screen. So can Anyone help me with this problem?

So the solution to this problem is as follow:

To solve issues specifically related to function keys, first you have to download 4 things from Lenovo’s website.

Hotkey Features Integration
(This particular driver is provided for ThinkPad only according to the website, but it works on all Lenovo laptops as long as you choose the correct download for your windows)

This file cannot be found if you look for the drivers for your own laptop’s particular model (E.g.: Ideapad series) – This might be the biggest reason why hotkeys are always dysfunctional

The next step is to update your BIOS/UEFI

This file can be found by going to your laptop model’s driver page, download and install it.

If you already have the latest BIOS installed, the program will tell you and you can skip it.

Power Management (Download and Install it from your laptop model’s drivers & software page)
Lenovo Utility (Download and Install it from your laptop model’s drivers & software page)
When installing each of the 4 drivers, make sure you restart once every installation. This is just to minimize the potential problems.

I’ve also noticed that sometimes when I double click on the driver installation files and give it permission to install, it doesn’t install for some reason. If you’re facing this issue, simply launch the installer again until you see a message confirming the installation has been successful.

Lastly, if you’ve followed all the above steps, your function keys should work perfectly.

If you still have problems, reinstall all your drivers and keep one thing in mind – always restart between each driver installation even though it doesn’t ask you to do that.

How to solve database update issues with Kaspersky antivirus??


Installing a security solution is very important, however one cannot assume that if you have done that then its okkk. Keeping your antivirus databases up to date is just as important as during initial install. Also, Kaspersky Lab products update automatically, but sometimes some issues can happen.

Now, If security solution window turns to red and and start showing Database extremely out of date warning, or you have a license issue, then try updating your software manually. in order to do that, click on the program icon in the lower right corner of display and choose ‘Update’.

If that too does not work and the program window does not change its color to secure green,one should do the following:

1. Check the system date: it can happen that your PC might be living in the future. This can confuse your security solution, which in turn downloads new databases.

2. Then, Set up proper proxy server settings. in order To do that, open the product settings window and click on Additional->Network Settings->Proxy Server Settings.

3. Then Set your browser proxy settings to default values.

4. Also, check if there are any Kaspersky Lab update servers available. It may happen that your PC may be infected with a virus.

5. Lastly, Open the Updated Settings and check, which of the access rights are used to run the program. to do that open Settings->Additional->Update setting->User account Settings. While one is here, they should choose the administrator account.

For more detailed solution, one should consult the Kaspersky Support Number.